Originally Posted by cym
Does anyone ever feel sly leverage when dealing with public schools because we have kids that can help their NCLB numbers? Or is that just silly?

I expect they like the higher scores but aren't willing to go out of their way for single kids. And of course, if they accelerate them via grade skipping, they may perceive a risk of lower scores on the test at the higher grade level.

My kids go to a private school, but we looked into public schools last October when the private school wasn't working. The principals I contacted weren't interested in a grade skip (one said "Forget it" without even meeting my son). They gave me the "in-class differentiation" line and one told me they might be able to accomodate a one-year acceleration but "if you're talking about algebra in 2nd grade, forget it" (and my son started doing algebra in February of 2nd grade).

We found a new private school that groups by ability. I'll report on it as the year goes by.
