I can't do this. I realized that He is freaking me out.Today, He was all day with me. He watched cartoons,played with his toys. I made a play date for him.after 2 pm We even went to Carnival. My husband came at 6 pm. We decided to go Barnes and noble and My husband was driving then Ds7 began to talk with him until we arived there.I realized that All they long when he was with me he was thinking. he wasnt with me hundered percentage. I did all the activities with half of him. His mind were somewehere else.My husband listened to him. I didn"t understand him and I took a note.He said' what are you doing mommy dont write what I said. I told that 'No I am not. I am mesaginig to your aunt" Between his talking He was asking my husband opinion " Am i right Dad? Do you want to add anything? Why did you oppose that? I can improve this listen.....bla bla bla. His ideas did not make me freaking out? I said him I am very proud of him. Really I am.The things make me freak out that when he was with me, He wasnt with me. I realized that most of the time He looked upset. Butwhen HE was with my husband. He was glooming. DS7 asked that did I understand him. I said mostly No. He said ohhhhhhhhhh Mommy.....My husband said "stop DS7 , I did not understand them completely either".So he stopd teasing me. When we went home I google my notes. there were noting about them. I goggle 'double sided universe; and other things my son said. there were not any information. He made up these words to explain his ideas and because of that he doesnt want me to take a note. I freaked out again. The school was trying to figure out him. they finished to evaluation. I took the papers from Board of Education .we will have a meeting this monday. according to papers He took Wechsler intelligent scale 4, some aspect He did %98 some part
%99.9 and %50 some other and his Full scale IQ is btween 115 and 128 :))))).his processing speed low. At this point I am stuck and really really freak out.He doesnt want to write, he wants to learn but his way, his IQ score isnt enough even for gifted education in his school, He is daydreaming at school. He will be always problem student.Some teacher will understand him and some not.we will not be enough for him in the future. He may get depressed. Also,I am not even sure i am qualified to write here my concern or not?

Last edited by xsantos; 09/21/14 06:27 AM.