I'll not re-post DS7's story but he's HG and dysgraphic. And happy. He loves school. He hates writing. I'll admit, sometimes I can't even see the disability or I doubt the diagnosis. I did see it very clearly last week studying for a spelling test. We did teacher-assigned written spelling homework for three nights. On night four, I gave him a written practice test for homework. He got three out of ten correct. The other seven weren't even close. I don't even know how he came up with what he wrote. He was engaged, but he just couldn't do it...until I got out the Scrabble tiles. We worked for 15 minutes and I quizzed him again the next morning-orally. He got them all right.

The school has been 100% against us. I don't know what else to say about it. They will NOT help him at all. He meets the state standards-case closed. It energized me a bit to see so clearly what he needs when he was working on his spelling test, so I emailed the principal today. I honestly didn't expect her to do anything, but I didn't expect this response either, "I know it can be frustrating to a child (and to the parents) when they have great success in one area and challenges in another as they feel like they "should" be able to do well in every subject." What?? It's not that he feels that he "should", it's that he can't. BECAUSE OF A DISABILITY.

I don't know how to work with this. I had planned on pressing for the 504 accommodations, but now I just feel defeated. Again.

Is there ever a time to let it go? He's happy at school. The work is super easy, so he's getting by with the writing for now. His standardized test scores are through the roof. Teachers aren't complaining. DH and I are the only ones who see an issue. Do I wait until teachers are complaining, his grades do suffer and he's really frustrated? That sounds insane and wrong on every level, but I can't make the school care.

Because he loves it so much, I'd like to make public school work for now. Is there anything else that I can do? Is it ever okay to let it go for a season? Am I crazy for even suggesting that?