I am going to ditto DeeDee.

My 6 year old has ASD, diagnosed aspie before DSM 5 came out.

You need to work on developmentally appropriate attending to tasks. Some sort of ABA or intensive behaviour program as soon as possible. No matter if you have a ASD diagnosis or not.

Are you in the states? If so did you go through Early steps yet?
You say he interacts with adults, mine did to. Does he make age appropriate eye contact? Does he respond to his name when called?
Does he get upset if you disturb his interests? Does he have age appropriate conversations in the language that he does speak with adults? Or is it all about his interests?

If the right amount of behaviour therapy can get him to a point of attending to tasks, speaking and listening at an appropriate level, there is a chance that his interests could develop into a gifted type level. Kids with ASD or traits of ASD who turn out to be gifted need to be taught, step by step how to sit down, make eye contact at some level, attend to a teachers requests, be able to show age appropriate work by reading, writing, answering questions.

I have full journals of psychics type work and equations from when my son was 4-5 years old. None of it helps teachers teach him what he needs to learn at school. How to get along with kids and adults. How not to be afraid of toilets flushing, how not to be upset that I turned left and not right in the car because he already mapped out a route in his head when I said we where going to the mall, something he did between ages of 3-4.
It can all be used as a way into the mind, social stories as he reads, why it is great to know numbers, but we also have to sit down at circle time, do what the teacher asks, share, etc.

I recently shared his journals, at this point they are helpful for a glimpse into how his mind works. He is only 6. So we have come a long way!

Last edited by maisey; 09/08/14 07:27 AM.