Originally Posted by aeh
The school will not Dx dysgraphia mainly because the school operates under federal IDEA law, not DSM classifications. If the school comes up with a dysgraphia-type classification, it will be "specific learning disability in reading and writing", or words to that effect. But school personnel absolutely have the training (will and clinical competence, I can't speak to) to do a comprehensive evaluation that results in need identification and service provision appropriate to dyslexia/dysgraphia.

How long ago did you send in the request letter? The school should respond to you within 10 school days (five, in some states).

If you want the school to do testing, when the permission comes, see if it has what you want on it. If not, check the box that says, "I consent, and request these additional tests," then list the additional assessments (SLP, OT). You can also refuse permission for specific listed assessments, and consent to the others. Do follow up with a phone call to explain why, though. If I receive a consent form with a little note from the parent written on it, with a phone number or email, I always contact them for more info.

I sent in the letter about a week ago or so, so if I haven't heard from them, I'll contact the office. It's good to hear there should be a list of tests they want to do, as well as a place for me to request what I'd like. We'll see! I updated in my other thread under the reported scores that I was mistaken and the last testing privately was done in late March, much sooner than I remembered. So now I'm not certain if I should withhold more testing (except maybe OT/SLP) for a while to allow DS to age some.

Life is the hardest teacher. It gives the test first and then teaches the lesson.