If time and resources were not an issue, who would be the best person to dx for 2e?

Does the student's type of symptoms matter the most?
Does the student's severity of symptoms matter the most?
Does the type of tester matter the most (school, ed psych, neuropsych, speech/language, etc)?
Does the experience of the tester matter the most?

You may have read my many other threads (or not). DS6 is gifted, was tested because of underachievement in global areas in K last year (mostly reading and writing), and is still struggling, though up to classmates in reading now. Testing for LD by an ed psych privately recommended to retest in one year if problems still persisted (as he was so young). I feel the writing has worsened or is stagnant despite interventions (though not OT which we will be starting soon), and reading is still a struggle though his accomplishments have improved dramatically from where we were last year.

We're only a little over the halfway mark now, but I have asked school to test for LD. They have 60 days and since he's not officially behind in reading IDK if they can refuse it. I'm not sure if writing will qualify for testing either. If they do agree to test, would that be the best way to go? I know it will be easy on our pockets, but I'd rather do "one and done" instead of multiple testing drawn out over time. Even if that means we have to pay for it or wait a few months with him so he's older and more able to be diagnosed. So if a neuropsych would be better than a school eval, we'll probably seek that route. Or do schools use neuropsych to test? Or if a speech and language specialist would be best, we'll do that.

We have insurance and there is a ?chance? they would cover neuropsych testing, but it may take time to get approved, get an appointment, etc, so I'm looking ahead to see what's best.

Thanks for any insight or recs!

Life is the hardest teacher. It gives the test first and then teaches the lesson.