Originally Posted by it_is_2day
Originally Posted by Max's Mom

We, and other parents, here share your fears. Since DS 2.5 years was born, we haven't had a full night's sleep and spend our free time trying to find ways to channel his limitless energy and cater to his ever-changing needs and follow his passions until he exhausted the subject. We often feel as if we were never settled in a routine and that there was always a surprise lurking around the corner.

it may be she hears adults use different ways of talking with different ages or that she is a natural mimic. I wouldn't pay much attention to the odd not wanting to go day but keep a note in case there is a pattern or escalation. We all have days when the thougt of going to work makes us want to hide under the bed.
Yes it sounds like you have been living our life. Sleep, slowing down, and a break from surprises, nope not here. We have just got back from the park playing hide and go seek, and escaping from shark attacks, but we did see a bunch of mermaids, octopi, and sea cucumbers.

Originally Posted by Max's Mom
After careful thought, we finally decided to take him out of daycare after 2 years of watching him lose it every morning because he doesn't want to go.

As for right now it seems that she is okay with daycare. She does like to socialize. But, I do have some concerns:

1. One day she had a complete melt down about not wanting to go to school, and it scared me. We started her at 3 months, so she never had a bad case of separation anxiety reason for not wanting to go to daycare. This was something much different. She would not articulate why she did not want to go that day. I also see that she does get annoyed at daycare sometimes, but she knows that mom and dad work, and she understands the world well enough to know that she can not stay home or go to work with us. I wonder if she feels way out of place.

2. She has distinct dialects: When she talks to us or some other adults she uses well formed sentences. When she talks to older kids 4-7 she does a lot of screaming like "Oh, I know! We can go fill up this bucket! With water! and pour it down that drain and see what happens!" When she talks to 2 year olds she talks like other 2 year olds.
Example: The other day when I was at daycare she was playing with this other toddler that was trying to get my attention pointing at a triangle saying "A Triangle!" dd with out missing a beat in the same type voice pointed at a bell saying "A bell!" They then kept it up for several moments pointing at objects and naming them. At that moment, I was not sure whether I should be proud of her for fitting in, or if I should be scared that she is already working to hide her abilities.

After some thought, I realized she really does like the social interaction, and she is friends with most of the kids. But, I can imagine that things will be very dynamic with her, and so I need to keep a close eye on her situation.