This is not a "do you think my dd is gifted?" post. Either she is or she isn't per our local guidelines. I will assume she is until she is tested. If I am proven wrong, I will probably be one of those parents that just suddenly stops posting. Certainly a test score will not affect my high level thoughts for the sweetest little girl I know, but it may cause me to reassess what is in her best interest. My reason for being here is to minimize the likelihood of messing up. I want to start thinking about school decisions critically.

We already are on the roller coaster. dd doesn't sleep much, she has a very active imagination, and oh the drama. Of course my wife and I take turns, so as to not get too tired. This is getting much better as she is doing a lot to take care of herself now days. As for the sleep. We have gotten her a cd player to listen to when she goes to bed, and the read along storybooks help her to drift off to sleep.

She owns my heart. The last 2.5 years have gone by so fast, and 2.5 years more and our little girl will be kindergarten age.

I hope school will go better for her than it went for me. I think my own traits caused me some of the problems I had in school. I am an autodidact, and was in school as well. It is very easy for me to learn anything I want to learn, but I have a strong distain for being taught. I see this same trait in her. I always insisted as a child on finding my own path, and she does now too. Later in life, I learned the value of following more well worn paths at least at times, and I would like to show her this value without teaching her to be a sheep.

She has friends, and I think they will be included in our kindergarten choice. I do fear her getting lost in school... not geographically.

I plan to keep her into sports, and any intellectual hobbies that grab her. We actually already do much along those lines, she's in soccer, we had her in a swim class. She is part of a music class at her daycare.

We really want to make positive educational decisions and allow her to be a content person, whatever that happens to mean. I do not want her to be miserable in school. I feel it is likely that reading some of the posts in this forum may help us to make decisions that will make her school years more enjoyable.