I have to add my 2 cents here about the strengths/weaknesses discussion. Not wanting to argue but just have representation for an alternate view.

Life is not a competition where we compare ourselves to each other and develop an order of strengths and weaknesses. There are kids who are good at just about everything they ever attempt. With a little work, they can do anything they set their minds to. We'll call these golden kids. There are also kids whose best will never hold a candle to the worst of the golden kid. We'll call him platinum kid. I happen to have a golden kid and a platinum kid. My platinum kid could look til the cows come home for something he could do better than the golden kid. Should he stop trying? Absolutely not! It's not about whose better or worse. It's about doing what you can with what you have. Finding a personal meaning in life and experiencing life through your own lens. Whether that's better than everybody else or absolutely the worst anyone has seen. It just doesn't matter.

In competitive sports, I tell the kids that there will always be someone better and worse than they are unless they are the world champion. And even if they are, that won't go on forever. Someone will topple them. I do not tell them that if they are bad at one thing, they will be good at something else. Yes, they have strengths and weaknesses but that must be in the context of their own life, not the judgement of others.

For my kids, I work with them on figuring out who they are, what they enjoy and how they can find fulfillment in life. Not necessarily doing what they are "best" at in someone else's eyes. But doing what makes them feel satisfied and contributing what they can to make the world a better place. There is so much more to life than what can be measured anyway. We all bring something to our world when we bring ourselves.

I realize I'm not disagreeing with anyone here, just trying to put this sort of discussion in a slightly different perspective.