Yes, that is a normal treatment and I think prozac for that age and ailments you are describing is good short term scaffolding as an aid in the counseling process, but shouldn't be a long term solution without good counseling. Without knowing all the particulars, I will throw out a few generalizations/ideas that will hopefully help you...
1. Does your counselor have experience with gifted perfectionism anxiety vs. regular childhood anxiety? They are two very different beasts and should be treated as such. Your daughter's anxiety sounds very situational based so make sure the counselor or her g&t teacher is working with her to create a step by step plan of HOW she will address the anxiety as it manifests during class, test etc. rather than just exploring the "after the fact" feelings.

2. 9 year old girls are a tricky group to medicate b/c their bodies and hormones are changing so rapidly so make sure you have a really good psychiatrist working with her to make dosage changes as needed. You and your daughter also should have a constant dialogue to "check in" about how the medication is making her feel.

It is great that your daughter is willing to work with you and so many professionals, and it is wonderful that you have the knowledge and ability to support her through this difficult time. Good luck!