Originally Posted by nicoledad
it always cracks me up when people are always negative when people don't have any real facts. I agree with GF2's first two paragraphs.. I would agree with black at trusting the negative if this was 1974. when I was growing up parents were not involved enough. These days it's just the opposite.

Probably depends on the school/district because here, everyone seems overly positive and trusting to me, and not particularly involved compared to some of the other schools. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only parent in the school who has figured out the school has no idea how to write IEPs, do evaluations, etc. It's like seriously? No one has ever complained about this or noticed it before? Wake up people. So I tend to trust the parents that I view as being somewhat involved (but not overly helicopterish, although I don't see many of those in the school) and intelligent.

Anyway, to the OP, I think it's a good idea to try to get as much info and specifics as you can about the teacher, and the other teachers if you can, and then decide.