It's funny - as I was writing that sentence about "ghetto-ization" I wondered if anyone would get worried about it. I can completely see your concern, Kriston. If keeping him out of the "ghetto" meant stripping him of all access to his interests that would be a disaster. For purely contingent reasons, though, I'm a bit less worried about it in our particular case. They could, of course, refuse to let him do any interesting kind of math at school - that would be bad. But since DS has always had this second obsession - baseball - I think he's less likely to come off as at risk of narrow-mindedness. The happy side of his baseball obsession is that it puts a certain kind of adult more at ease around him. (If they had any idea the amount of time he devotes to these two obsessions, though - baseball and numbers - well, they would certainly become worried again.) In any case, it remains to be seen how the whole thing will work out. I'm hopeful, but stand at the ready...


P.S. - I had to remind myself what happy numbers are, JB. Pretty cool...