Originally Posted by BaseballDad
And frankly, the broader environment affects us too: I myself find it hard to talk about math with DS, for instance, when others are around. People just look at us funny. Does anyone else have this problem?

Oh, yes! It's why we're all here! smile

At a Kindermusik class with DS7 when he was around 13mos old, he IDd the letter "B" on a wood block. Quietly, just to DS, not trying to have anyone but DS hear, I confirmed that, yes, it was indeed a "B," just like I did with him 101 times per day because he had been obsessed with a letter puzzle for weeks. One mom overheard me and she exploded with a "He did NOT just say that! That's ridiculous!" The other moms and the teacher stopped everything to tell me that he did not know the letter B yet. They were adamant and not at all nice about it. It was like I was a bad mom for some reason. I still don't really understand the vehemence of their attack on me. At the time, I just had the deer-in-the-headlights thing going on. He most certainly did know the letter B! But I realized very fast that they would not allow me to defend myself, nor was it worth it to try.

It was my first inkling that not everyone was going to "get" my child, and that I'd better take my support where I could find it!

What in the world did the parents of GT kids do before the Internet? I can't imagine!
