There is some ridiculous teacher behavior here and nothing is ever done. No one gets reprimanded, and there are never consequences for even the most outrageous behavior. If teachers here worked year-round like everyone else, their salary would be six figures. We are not in NYC or some other place with outrageous cost of living, it's pretty average. I got reprimanded at a job once because there was a rubber band on the floor and I didn't pick it up. If I had failed to reply to emails or phone calls or treated the customers rudely, I would have been gone in an instant. It's really frustrating that the standards that apply to everyone else don't seem to apply to teachers and it's the kids and families who have to pay. The kids only have one shot at an education, there are no do-overs. That being said, there are some really good teachers who clearly care about their jobs and spend extra hours and a lot of money out of their own pocket. Those teachers deserve a high salary but I wouldn't say that they make up a very high percentage.