Originally Posted by greenlotus
(I may have stated earlier that the psych. wondered why DD's WJ scores were so much lower than her WISC so sent us on for more testing).

I'm just curious - have you had any feedback re what might have been going on with the WJ-III scores? Do you suspect any 2e challenges?

I really can't say what's up with your dd and anger - it could be *so* many different things and those of us who are just reading here can't talk to her in person or get info from her teachers etc and we didn't know her before all the recent testing etc - those are all things you'll need to sort through. And even though you don't seem to be getting any meaningful info from your dd at this point re the anger, keep giving her opportunities to talk about it - you may eventually get the info you're looking for from your dd.

The one thing that does jump out in a small way from the little info I do have - it seems like a lot changed in terms of how you are looking at things once you had the test results that showed she is gifted. This isn't a bad thing - naturally as a parent you want to do everything you can for your child - but it's possible her world has turned upside down when she really wasn't asking for that - upside down with testing etc. It's possible you might be relating to her in a different way or have different expectations that are different than you had prior to the testing - again, this isn't a bad thing but it can come across differently or be an unexpected change for a child. This absolutely happened for me when my older dd was tested - she was very young and she was tested for what we thought were cognitive challenges - I had absolutely *no* clue she might be gifted - partly because of the challenges we were having with her seemingly unable to follow multi-step directions, partly because her older brother is EG and we were used to looking at "gifted" through the lens of an EG kid who was so danged obviously EG when he spoke. DD didn't "speak" like a gifted kid - she was (and is) goofy, irreverent, the life of the party - and (I hate to say this but here goes) - sometimes a bit of an "air head". So - seeing her IQ numbers the first time was a bit of a shock. And once I had seen them, I started talking to her differently - not on purpose, it just happened. It's hard to explain, but basically I was talking to her at a higher level, because I knew that she was understanding at a higher level than I'd expected. It's possible that even a small shift like that might cause some children to feel like the world they were used to and comfortable in was changed, and that might lead to anger or acting out.

And.... just to throw it out there - it's close to the end of the school year. EOG testing is coming up. Spring/Summer is in the air. You might be talking about summer vacation plans at home. Any number of unrelated things might be causing her to be upset or angry. Things that might not make sense - but remember, she's 9 years old. It may seem like the anger is related to all the things that are so obvious to *you* that are going on (recent testing, finding out she's gifted etc) - but it's also possible she could be upset about something else entirely.

Good luck figuring it out -
