You say many family changes that were positive... I don't think you can dismiss those as not related. Change is still stressful, positive or negative. And it may be seen as positive by you - but she may have a different spin on the same changes. She is 9 - does she have any reasons she given you as to why she seems more upset?

Any changes at school - especially with other kids? (I assume we are not dealing with for instance, it is their last year at elementary school - that in itself, at this time of the year, can really affect some kids). Any changes in her perception of herself as a result of all that is going on?

Personally, I found the second half of elementary school years the worst years of all the years I was in school - from pre-K through college.

Last edited by notnafnaf; 05/28/14 08:15 AM. Reason: typo