If I recall correctly from previous posts...

This child was experiencing friendship difficulties. It was initially a relief to learn that she was gifted, as gifted intensity may be at least a partial explanation for her friendship difficulties. Giftedness could mean that she is not alone in her experiences, and that there may be several resources available to help coach her as a gifted child.

Educationally, the school offered 1-subject acceleration but the family wanted 2-subject acceleration. These accelerations would place her in her older sister's grade having classes amongst her sister's friends which raised concerns in the family as the older sister enjoys strong friendships. Additionally this child has petite stature and is often mistaken for being younger than she is, both of which she strongly dislikes. She has seen adult role models censure other adults who mistake her age, rather than seeing the subject approached with grace and humor.

When reading a book for gifted children which she was given, she inquired about her own intellectual profile and was told she could learn her IQ when she turns 18, therefore she believed she was average. This belief may have been both untrue and painful.

Some may say the child is not being given a clear indication of her strengths and weaknesses, including the longed for support/acceptance/tools for growth. Rather she may be experiencing ongoing contradictions and dead-ends which may seem to have put her at odds with the world, with little affirmation.

This is only reflective of previous posts, which may or may not hold the key to understanding current circumstances.