I am new to this discussion forum, and am in the process of preparing a GT appeal for my 6 year old daughter. She was tested at her school using the COGAT, and her score on nonverbal was the only score above 130 (131). The other two scores fell in the high average and superior range. We decided to have private testing done, and she took the WISC on Friday. My daughter was not feeling her best that day, but she is often not feeling her best due to allergies. Her FSIQ came back as a 129. Here is a breakdown of her scores:
VCI: 114
PRI: 115
WMI: 135
PSI: 131

If you break down the scores even further, the thing that dragged down her VCI was her comprehension score which was a 9 (37%)! By comparison, her Similarities and Vocabulary scores were a 14 (91%) and 15 (95%) respectively. Her other area of weakness was in Picture Concetps were she scored a 10 (50%). Her Block design and Matrix reasoning were 13 (84%) and 14 (91%) respectively.

We are meeeting with the pscyhologist on Tuesday to discuss the results and the appeal is due by Friday. My questions is will this testing even help her appeal? I realize that GT identification is more than a test result, and my daughter displays so many characteristics of a GT child. However, she is my second of 4 children and is extremely quite (my first daughter is the opposite...extremely outgoing and engaging with teachers. She was identified as GT at the age of 4). I feel like my child is often overlooked by her teachers as having potential.