That's what happened with my son, twice he got 60 out of 60 on the math part of the Cogat. We have no idea what it means, because what would he have gotten if there were 80 or 100 questions?

I always scored 13th grade on state standardized tests at my school, from 6th grade (the first grade I took it) on. They never increased the maximum level and didn't tell us what our raw score was.

My opinion is that if your child is tested, especially if you are paying for it yourself, they better give you a raw score too. This is also true with SAT subject tests too, for some tests, you could get 1 wrong and not get a 800, but others you could get 7 wrong and get an 800. The raw score will tell you more than the converted reported score.

(note that the G&T criteria for JH CTY seems very low to me, compared to what little they give much more gifted kids in public schools)