This is hard to explain, but you have to (if you can) go with it, see all the positives, keep focusing on the positives, force yourself into high energy mode and know and remember that it is temporary.

The child will grow and mature. At some point not too far away, the students' maturity level will take a large jump and the child will self-direct even more and probably won't need you (and that might sting in another way).

Think short-term if that makes you feel better. Think long-term if that makes you feel better. It is a really weird and interesting experience because no one else can really tell what is happening, what you are going through, what you are experiencing.

It is like an extra-long marathon, you know you have to keep running, you can't find the other runners. You don't see the finish line, news cameras, water aides or officials. You might not even have any friends or family there supporting you. You just have to keep running.