DS is now 7.5 and I totally get what you're saying. We did many of the ideas above and we also bought a tablet at Christmas which DH loaded up with educational stuff (Quirks and Quarks podcasts, Vi Hart videos, Numberphile videos, and many more that I'm forgetting). We don't use it often but when his intense questioning can't be immediately handled we bring it out to keep him occupied. Being bombarded by Vi Hart for 15 min helps fulfill his need for learning wink The Cosmos series is a weekly highlight in our house and is a nice break for everyone.

I second the mommy time! I'm an introvert and I find I have to make sure that I make the time to get out and go for a run or do something similar so I can be at my best for him. When I don't take care of myself, it makes everything much more challenging.

ETA - Love it sweetie!!!

Last edited by chay; 04/17/14 07:19 AM.