Like Val and MumOfThree, we too enforced limits to the endless talking and questioning. My view is that while clearly this is caused in part by her LOG, it's also inappropriate, rude, and annoying. When she was tiny we'd play 'the quiet game' or 'telephone' (which involved us talking on an imaginary phone about some elaborate imaginative scenario of her devising). Telephone was practice in taking turns, waiting (I'd let my "phone" ring a long time before answering), and conversational norms.

As she got older we were more direct. At one point, in desperation, I sat her down and told her outright that DH and I needed uninterrupted time to communicate for the ongoing health of our marriage. We've also reminded her that not everything is her business and that everyone has the right to speak and be heard. Currently (at age 11) we are working on pausing when you enter the room to see if a conversation is in progress before launching into whatever she's come in to say.

Honestly, I'm a huge talker (look how long this short reply is) and prone to interrupting others. It's a kind of conversational over-intensity that I've had since I was young. It's also very off-putting to others and can cause issues with both social and professional relationships. I've worked hard to overcome this tendency through my teenage years and into adulthood and I'd like her to have a head start on it.