medicating a child does not change behavior caused by poor parenting!

Thank you OHGrandma! I'll have to remember that.

In fact you son seems to be the first to recognize what might be going on.

elhO706, I'm taking notes. After reflecting on his earlier years, I can imagine the teachers he had fustrated were struggling with their own paradigm of ADHD being just a "behavioral issue". Oddly, my younger son's kindergarten teacher suggested my youngest was ADHD when he actually had amblyopia.

Gifted children with ADD/ADHD can present very differently from a ND child with ADD/ADHD.

I've been trying to analyze these differences and look at the overall attitude of educators we will be interacting with. I think for the most part, my son is teaching all of us about the possibility. There is no doubt many other 2E children get ignored or fustrated in an unsuccessful school experience.