My son seems to leave a lot of fustrated teachers since 3rd. He has had a few teachers in the past who had said to him "why can't you just do this in the classroom" while holding a standardized test with an excellent score.

It was more of a concentration focusing problem....I see that now, but like many others I thought he was just being difficult with poor work ethics. When I apply strict consequences, such as a quiet room with no distractions, he gets things done in 10 minutes.

His current teachers know about it because we have been trying to improve his work ethics and since his meds are a class II, the school needs to be notified.

He also had a few passionate teachers in middle school who wanted to be the one who helped him become successful.

Sometimes, I even feel criticized by his doctor who has basically said... with his IQ treatment is a good question. If the 50's and 100's average out... he's passing at a 70.