I get the general gist of what the author is saying. whistle

She is comparing two students and extrapolating to the population in general.

She is overlooking the negative impact of the school not providing appropriate curriculum and pacing for the early reader, to help that child read deeply, make inferences, discuss stories.

She is overlooking the negative impact of the school allowing high reading group placement to be something to be grasped at, and allowing children to be praised for placement rather than for progress.

She is reveling in the damaged self-esteem of the early reader when competition for reading group placement shifts to verbal skills.

She is boasting of making labels for people.

She is conflating anecdote for research data.

Unfortunately she may also be indicating a type of negative self-fulfilling prophecy about early readers evening out and falling behind... and writing a recipe for how to make this occur in a research study by providing/withholding developmentally appropriate instruction and also by creating fixed or growth mindset.

Sorry if any of this is wrong, there were no pictures to read but I did my best to create a story line and discuss my predictions. (shrug)