Originally Posted by aquinas
Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
Like UM, I said little when my then-7yo opted to pick up Bleak House and Great Expectations. She didn't finish either one until she was more like 12yo.


If material is too hard, the intrinsically motivated child just won't read it all. Does this mean that the child shouldn't be allowed to bump up against the ceiling of his/her ability? I'd say no. That's where learning occurs (and interest is piqued)!
I think this is more about interest. Great Expectations can be a very boring book to many adults. The story isn't necessary of interest to a 7 year old. The story is convoluted with multiple plots lines, and characters. It is not a book I would think a 7 year old would be interested in. It's one of the reason I found non fiction the best way at that age to challenge the reading ability, while keeping the subject interesting.