Did I miss something? Don't the other kids have parents? What information is being given to them? Don't they have some control over disciplining their children?

One of my concerns in all this would be to make sure the school is informing the other parents and at this age I imagine most if not all of the bad behavior will come quickly to an end.

I found out that ds11 (at the time) was getting some grief from one of the students on his bus. And by association, by some bigger buddy of the first student.
I knew the mom, so that helped, but I just skipped over all the inter-school communication and went straight to her. The next day the boy had written an apology note and really never ever did bother my son again. In fact, I could tell at scouts (which they also attended together) that the boy was making an effort to be nice to my ds. This boy has since moved away, but the other larger boy has been progressing to a regular nice guy so that is good to see. (I also had another word with him about using negative language such as 'that game is gay!').

Our situation was unusual I suppose, however surely there is a way for the other parents to be informed and work with their children.

I also worry about the idea that kids who get bullied bring it on themselves by being irritating, know-it-alls, or easy targets.

This is a pretty good article, I thought it would be more fluff, but seems to have some meat to it:

especially interested in the pages on parental influence, the cases for and against self defense, the social climber (bully).

they advocate against contacting parents directly, however I will say again, it worked for us. Guess we got lucky.