I really appreciate all of this feedback. It is wonderful. My poor little guy is a small, nerdy bully-magnet. I think this is going to be a continual issue.

Before I had a chance to read all of the feedback, the principal called me. Apparently DS hit someone yesterday. He is not a hitter; this hasn't happened before. So I talked with DS yesterday to try to get the full story. It turns out another child terrified him while he was on the swing so that he would get off (and give up the swing). The child threatened to push him so hard he would go high and then fall off. DS then spent all of recess standing next to the swing trying to get it back but the child wouldn't let him have it. This is the child that DS then hit (although apparently not hard) when the child blocked him from standing next to his best friend in line. Obviously hitting is never acceptable, but it gives context.

So I went back to see the principal today and he called all of the children involved in all of these incidents into his office. The bully (from the swings) was asked to explain if he knew what bullying was, etc., and was told that if he even goes near my son on the playground he will lose playground privileges. My son is also not allowed to go near him (e.g., to wait for a swing he is on). Some of the other kids gave other examples of DS being bullied that I didn't even know about; one of them has been calling him names. The principal says he thinks there has been a pattern of bullying going on over time, more than we even realized.

So the end result was that the specific child who has been bullying DS is not allowed near him and the child who has been eating his lunch is not allowed to take his lunch (DS is not even allowed to give pieces of his lunch if he wants to; all sharing is banned). The child who had been picking up DS against his will and carrying him around (like I said, he's small) is no longer allowed to do so.

DS also has a little red stress ball apple now. If he is having any problem at all, just taking out the apple is supposed to signal to teachers that he needs to talk with the principal.

I hope that this may help; the other kids seemed to take it seriously (I saw them all file past me on their way out of the principal's office). DS has been complaining that there is no point in telling anyone because no one will do anything, so I hope he feels differently now.

At the same time, though, this was obviously a big thing (all of the kids were conspicuously called down to the principal's office and I'm sure they were embarrassed and upset about that). I hope it won't result in retaliation of any sort.

Last edited by apm221; 03/25/14 09:55 AM.