Originally Posted by cee
I am a little worried that my going to principal, even if I'm nice and calm, will affect how my son is treated by orchestra teacher afterwards. I didn't think about that before. Does this ever happen?

Although I'm sure it happens, I honestly (naively?) don't think it happens too often. I have a few friends who teach in the district and I really think they're able to separate the parents from the students. Plus, most orchestra teachers really enjoy working with talented and hardworking musicians. My older ds is more hardworking than talented when it comes to music, and definitely not going to make a living at it, but they seem to love seeing him progress and are so encouraging. I can't imagine that they'd suddenly take it out on him if I complained. And again, I think your complaint is pretty mild compared to what they get from some parents (sadly). If you are worried, you can always put a reminder in your calendar for next September and start sending the emails then - "I want to make sure ds doesn't miss any opportunities this year, so I'm wondering if you have any information on..." or you can bring it up at curriculum night or open house, when you are sure to see them.