Thanks momtofour! Sorry I didn't make it very clear before... the county orchestras are formed by music educator associations, representing schools across the county/counties in this area. They're big concerts and the schools are always proud to say that x number of students were nominated and performed. The chairperson that I emailed works for my school district only and is the head of the MS and HS music departments. You would think that this person would be up to speed on scholarships, right?

I guess what I'll do is go visit the main office, and just wait until the principal has a moment to talk to me.

This is what separates quality districts from the rest I suppose. I am sure the deadlines have all passed for summer 2014 awards. I am upset that they didn't provide us with the forms, and I had to find out about these scholarships and their recent winners in the concert program booklet.

What do I tell the principal I want? I want a productive conversation, not just to complain and express my disappointment.