I don't talk about my son's abilities in a social situation. Nor do I do it with relatives either - because some of them use the information to brag. I just smile and nod and make sympathetic noises when friends discuss problems with math and science etc that their kids have at school. But, things are changing now because DS who is normally playful has started paying attention to adult conversations now - he chimes in to correct me when I agree with these parents that school is very demanding and rigorous.
My child is 6 and this is the age when all his friends are trying out music, sports etc for the first time. And their parents are using hyperboles to describe their accomplishments. And my DS has been at a lot of these things for 2-3 years and participated and won contests. I keep my opinions to myself and offer words of encouragement and support to these parents and walk away.
In enrichment classes, where he is advanced, this is not an issue because my child is big for his age and hence blends in with his older peers physically. He just seems more immature than the other kids!

Last edited by ashley; 03/09/14 09:59 PM.