I don't have people getting upset about my kids being smart, just seems like no one knows what I'm talking about. I told two people, one year when we were using the library, that it was big effort to use the library that's in another town. Because I had an out of town library card I could only get 3 books at a time,and drive to the other town every two weeks to trade them in. My son only wanted to pick out Bob the Builder and Curious George. He would finish all three books on the few blocks drive from the library to Grandma's house. I was complaining about the inconvenience. Both people answred that it was great that my kid wanted to read at all. Most kids don't. Okay, different worlds. Wrong conversation. And then when I was asked why I homeschooled I said it was because my son didn't do any work at school for several months. I was asked, "oh, were they going to hold him back a grade?" I said, no, the school didn't think it was a problem. I didn't think it was okay for him not to do his work. I don't have jealousy problems around here. I just don't think anyone understands when I talk about things that I think are a problem. I guess they're really not big problems anyway.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar