Originally Posted by Mom2Two
... did you do it because there were problems that might fixed with a grade skip (behavior, mentally checking out, etc.) or because you had a perfect student with perfect grades. Or, was there another reason?

DD13, now in 9th grade, has skipped 2nd and 6th grades. First skip done because she already was well ahead of grade level and we wanted her challenged before she mentally checked out.

Originally Posted by Mom2Two
... did the issues resolve after the grade skip? Or if life was "perfect," did issues arrive after the skip?

Second skip was done because, as happens with many HG kids, the first skip was only a temporary fix. By the end of 5th, she was once again well ahead of grade level. No plans for a formal third skip as subject acceleration in MS and self-choosing of classes in HS have kept her occupied.

Have the issues been resolved? Not fully. We still have to push her a little bit to be open to failure. And I still can't convince her she is good at math. (One of our repeated conversations: "DD, you say you are not good at math. Do you consider me good at math?" "Yes, you are way better at math than I am." "I did not take geometry until I was 15 and a sophomore. You are taking it at 12 and as a freshman..."). But, overall, we're in an acceptable least-worst scenario.


For gifted children, doing nothing is the wrong choice.