^ Adding to that, I concur that the best solution is probably a different approach, not just a "skipping" of parts of the same one.

We definitely see a difference in my DD relative even to other HG kids we know because we've chosen aggressive enrichment and compacting rather than "skipping" as a strategy: she has a more 'rounded' profile as a student and as a person. She has a wide variety of interests and high ability in many domains, but she has also had a chance to develop the supporting skills necessary to support interactions at that higher level of thinking in those domains.

Ultimately, learning isn't a solitary activity beyond some point-- and you have to develop the additional communication strategies to be able to interact with others as you learn at that higher level.

That's where life experience comes into things. Now, one can definitely say that specific trajectories go toward a more normative set of opinions, feelings, and background... but that isn't necessarily "life experience" per se...

because you can grow up extremely sheltered and wind up a 25 year old with LESS meaningful life experience than a 10yo cancer survivor has... if you KWIM. It's the ability to relate to complex ideas and communicate/explore in groups of other people that really matters on some level.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.