Thanks for the input everyone.

He does connect with other classmates on other interests and DH pointed out that he isn't as sheltered as I made him out to be. He does enjoy Transformers and Justice League. I have been to classroom parties and he seems to fit in. Kids save him a seat, they cheer for him during games, and he likes school.

I think I was just freaked out last night after my kindergartener came home talking about specific models of firearms and how Kid said they can be used to rob people.

I am okay with Harry Potter and Mario but I was not prepared for Grand Theft Auto and R rated slasher films.

His normal method of learning about something is to listen, ask a ton of questions, talk about it, draw it out and incorporate it into his pretend play.

All of that is great if the topic is space travel or something but would be really frowned upon at school with the violent stuff.