Oh, been there...

DS9 has different dx's than yours but at 6 was very similar behaviorally. Now it's a different story altogether (as in, much MUCH better).

At 6 my DS used to engage in strange activities like licking things to make the other kids laugh in an attempt to fit in. At 7 he asked a couple of older boys to write on his face with a felt pen because he was trying to get them to laugh. Etc etc. He was continuously ridiculed. He has an older sister who is very sensitive and so was not exposed to media that wasn't gentle or age appropriate.

More on what Cricket3 said... gaming was a valuable "in" for our DS. I wouldn't let him play violent or graphic stuff, but he was able to learn enough Wii and computer games to gain social relevance and have something to talk about with the other boys.

Fyi at age 6, the school was convinced he had autism. This has been ruled out via specialists in the field, and now, at age 9, he has so much social savvy and his "theory of mind" is so good that it boggles the mind that he was ever remotely spectrum-like.

So I guess the take away message is that I've been there too... I had a 6 year old who was so socially quirky that I felt like I'd failed him and didn't know what to do, but time and growth and development has worked their wonders on him. It's only been three years, but oh my...

smile smile

Last edited by CCN; 02/28/14 07:35 PM.