DS6 is in kindergarten and is very 2e. He is identified as gifted, dyslexic, dysgraphic and as having dyspraxia. He also has a genetic disorder that makes him uncoordinated, weak and easily fatigued. He also has sensory issues. The overall result of all that at school is kind of an immature, uncoordinated kid that has spotty executive functioning, and some spectrum like leanings.

We run a pretty tight ship on media exposure. He is our oldest so we don't have any older kids to contend with. We have no regular TV, some PBS cartoons and kid movies. Video games are limited to Angry Birds and Bad Piggies.

Last year he had a classmate who was allowed to watch scary slasher movies. He heard about some of them from the kid and talked about it A LOT. The scenes the kid would describe really stuck with him. He wanted the kid to like him so he would try to talk to him. It would go "Hey Friend, it would be cool to watch someone get killed him a chainsaw, right? There would be lots of blood and you could see bones. It would be so cool to watch, right?" Of course, then he sounds like a complete psycho.

The thing is, he is almost freakishly scared of intense moments in kid movies. There is no way he would ever be able to actually watch such a violent movie even if he had a chance. He just wants to fit in and struggles to really get it right.

This year it is a kid whose parents let him watch an older brother play Grand Theft Auto. Once again, DS is the one that is trying to fit in and talking about that stupid game at school. You can imagine how that is going.

Both kids sort of excluded him/picked on him and then it is like he hangs on every word they say and tries to do what ever it takes for them to like him.

His teachers know he is pretty much like a four year-old in some skills and a 13 year-old in others and I am pretty sure they know where this talk is coming from. I just don't know what to do.

He hasn't really said this but I bet he is thinking along these lines:
Kid hurt my feelings. I don't like hurt feelings. Kid likes X. Kids like other kids who like what they like. If I make Kid think I like X, Kid will like me and won't hurt my feelings.

Any ideas of what is going on? Is he too sheltered making him extra curious about these things that aren't allowed in his house?

We tell him "Don't talk to Kid about that game. We don't like that game." I know it is still going on because he brings home little drawings with scenes from the game that he made based on Kid's descriptions. When we confront him about it he makes up some excuse like he is acting like an undercover cop* by pretending to like the game so that he can trick Kid into talking about it in front of the teachers. I get that this goes against the idea trying to be a friend thing. It is like he can't figure out if he wants to be friends or get some sort of revenge.

*this is career of the month, picked up on field trip to courthouse.

Last edited by KJP; 02/27/14 09:18 PM.