Thanks Dottie, Cassandra and everyone else.

In terms of follow up testing, the OT guy we saw pretty much repeated all the visual and auditory processing tests that the psych did. From his report "visual processing is in the highly gifted range (more than 2 SD than the average) but auditory processing is five times slower than the average. His advice was just to let Max be. Let him be Max, and in his own time and space he will compensate for any difficulties he may have. He used to have HUGE issues staying on task in class, but his teacher recently gave him an oven timer and now he finished first all the time - she told him to try and beat the timer and that was enough of a challenge to get him to stay focussed. We are just not sure whether to be further testing. As further background, Max was critically ill 2 years ago (Encephalomyelitis) and has had so many tests and probes stuck on him, that as long as he seems healthy and happ, we are loathe to examine these WISV - IV results too much. I guess I don't really know what a VCI score of 144 is - does this alone mean he is gifted or is not enough ? The school has always ascertained that he is gifted as he is very differen to the other kids academically - how many other 8 year olds are reading Blainey's "A short History of the world" for fun ? In terms of an indicator of general ability, how does VCI scores stack up against the others ? Are they weighted at all ? I seem to remember reading something that not all gifted kids have great processing speeds. But what could have brought down his PRI ? Are some of these subtests processing based ? Sorry, too many questions. I shall stop !

thanks again for all you wonderful advice.