polarbear - yes he has been in VT and we are a little over half way through the program. We saw the fastest improvements in the first couple of months. His tracking has improved tremendously and I think his eyes don't get as tired anymore. His classroom is flexible so he can move if he needs to but it doesn't seem to be causing an issue in school (at least I don't think!). He has another eval this week with the dr and I will ask if he thinks he should have some accommodations in school.

We did private OT for 6 months so I don't know if that means anything for the school. Some of the coordination/vestibular issues have improved although he is never going to be an athlete. He is doing swimming lessons now through therapeutic rec (for sensory - he hates water on his head/face and is terrified of drowning) and has a tough time even learning how to kick his legs correctly. He also has weak core and fine motor strength (like his hands). I've backed off home OT while we are doing VT because it was too much to do in one day (swimming lessons are sort of like OT, I think). I'm already having a tough time getting him to do home VT.

Where he runs into trouble in school I think is the fidgety stuff, impulse control, being "too high", being in his own world, etc. I struggle with understanding whether this is sensory processing or excitabilities from a highly gifted kid or a gifted kid who is bored. Even after all the evals and testing I'm still not sure what to make of my son and what he really needs. Well, I know he really needs homeschooling but that isn't an option at the moment. I think we need to exhaust the possibilities at the school first.

st pauli - That is def. an idea. Not sure how they handle that in a GT school but will put it on my list of things to explore.

emerald - thanks so much for the info! I've had that first book on my list to check out so I think I will finally get to it now.

Last edited by bronalex; 02/24/14 12:03 PM.

Mom to 2 kiddos - DS 9 with SPD and visual processing issues and DD 6 who is NT