Thanks everyone. This is very helpful. I really knew so little about the testing when I got it done over a year ago. I received the test results and diagnosis of dyslexia, but never really understood the individual testing results that much. I am now looking at the additional challenges we have had as he gets older and what is not being corrected by itself. We do have intervention for dyslexia, Wilson Method, but have done nothing else for any other issue.

So, help me with this. I know he didn't get a "dysgraphia" screening. His processing speed shows up as 67th percentile total, comprised of 37%ile visual matching, decision speed 88th, and rapid picture naming 42nd. The diagnosed him as dyslexic based on large discrepency between IQ and reading performance, decoding, spelling etc. There are more tests on this report. However, what does this processing speed mean?

How do they test for ADD? Is processing speed part of it? I do notice him zoning out and me having to repeat directions to him. I just thought it was an 11 year old boy thing. I have to repeat myself alot. They see that at school too sometimes.

Thanks for the info about DCD and vision testing. I am trying to get an idea of what to look for because it seems like more is going on than just dyslexia and reading.