I thought the letters/numbers on the back was strange too. I tried to google it and didn't come up with anything.

Here's a description of the test that was done. http://www.pediatricapta.org/events/ACP/2012/handouts/pedsfwdcampbell2/BOT-2MG.pdf
I think that her lowest score was something like 24th percentile for manual dexterity and it involved things like picking up and transferring coins, maybe placing pegs in a board. I don't remember. But she was also quite yappy and off-task during the test since she wasn't fully medicated. So she was talking/giggling while she was doing the test and some of it was timed. Overall the OT thought she did very well and they (there were two of them) did parts of the tests with her that most kids never get to. I asked for a score report and never got it. I should ask again. I asked if it's possible she could do well on the BOT2 and still have dysgraphia and didn't really get a clear answer but I don't think she thought that was a strong possibility.
I think that in the past I tried to google how fast she should be writing and didn't come back with much but I will try your suggestion.
I am taking her to a new primary doctor tomorrow and will ask about this. I really want to get some input on the ADHD as well. I know there is a large overlap between ADHD and handwriting issues too, and she does seem to do better with writing when she's medicated. I think seeing a neuropsych is a good idea but I also need someone who can prescribe medication.
So far she's just had the WISC and the BOT2 for fine motor. Also the BRIEF for executive functioning, and of course that was abnormal because of the ADHD. I think her overall fine motor is good but the finger tapping doesn't look quite right to me. Of course, I have no idea what's normal for her age either.
The OT did say she qualifies for services (because of the abnormal BRIEF) and that she can do "metronome therapy" with her and other things to boost processing speed. But I don't know if that's supported by research or if it would be a waste of time/money.