cathym, I don't have time to google around, but did a quick search and the first link I found re lpm showed 55 lpm to be 4th grade avg level.

FWIW, I have a dd who has vision issues (muscle weakness, very similar to strabismus), and she tested a-ok at the regular optometrist with 20/20 vision in 3rd grade, but was struggling with reading in school. She went through a neuropsych eval and the neurospcyh's firs comment, when looking at her handwriting samples (before the actual testing) was "Oh wow, you have another child with dysgraphia!" - due to irregular spacing and generally very messy looking large print (this is the same neuropsych who diagnosed my ds who does actually have dysgraphia). DD's actual testing showed she did *not* have dysgraphia but had a vision issue - she totally bombed two of the WISC subtests that rely heavily on vision, and one of the Beery VMI subtests. If your ds hasn't had the Beery VMI, it might be really useful to separate out whether or not there are either fine motor or visuo-motor challenges. Both can cause dysgraphia or other challenges that potentially impact handwriting, but knowing which is at the root of the challenge is really helpful in approaching how to remediate and also in setting up accommodations.

FWIW, my dd with the vision issues didn't appear to have any issues in math at all - in fact, it was her favorite subject at the time (she's since changed her mind lol!).
