cammom, you made me smile so thank you. ZS and Dude, I follow the same strategies as you do. However, it is hard for me to sit in a meeting and not throw in my observations when I feel like people may not be seeing the thing in proper light. I do it gently and always as "just my understanding or just a crazy thought", but often times it is a perspective that is different from others. I know that I am good at what I do and that not many people can do what I do. However, I also know what others on the team are good at and that I am not that great at. I have no problem asking for advice and receiving input/criticism. However, most often than not, I end up being right. I can see how that would make others feel insecure. I know that I can't change how people handle their insecurities. However, I can't not care because it affects my relationship with these people, especially those in my personal circle. Hence my post. Has anyone tried any kind of therapy to help see oneself from another's perspective and modify how you react? Any good book suggestions?