To everyone - many thanks.

You ever feel you just don't know where to start? I called a very well know hospital near us and they don't accept children like ours in the neurology dept. because he doesn't have issues like seizures, brain trauma etc.

I've read and read and I guess we suck it up and accept that our bright child has ADHD. And that he may never prove his IQ because he does poorly on certain tests. DH and I do know that there ate sensory issues. Attention (or lack thereof) can't explain the fact that he is highly sensitive to smells, and some make him gag.

We have started a low dose of Quilivant. So far, at first we thought we saw a slight improvement in mood. Today was awful. We had an 1 1/2 hour drive for an eye screening. He was very argumentative and during the eye testing he acted horrendous. "Typical" ADHD behavior which is not typical for him. I don't get it. Is he putting on a show? Sometimes I think he does it because he knows I can't spank him in certain situations, because he can usually turn off a lot of the behavior when we leave. I guess we will have to increase the dose until we see improvement.

I feel like I have been sinking into a depression over all this. No one that I have known has ever had a good school outcome If they also had ADHD. All I see is endless IEP's and meetings with angry school personnel. We're half way thru Kindergarten an I'm already tired of it all. We had a friend whose son had such horrible times at school he developed panic attacks that looked like seizures. Horrific. I live with the fear that this extremely bright kid won't survive school, manage college, an will work for a grocery store the rest of his life.

At home it seems his forgetfulness had gotten worse in the past few months. Our major issue at home is ARGUING! He thinks he knows everything. Tonight he wanted to argue that the 1/4 moon was really a 1/2 moon. All that he learned from a Berenstein Bears episode on fractions. He thinks he can spell every word, but he hasn't even developed complete proper speech, so he spells like he talks. (Which is hilarious) however he doesn't want to be corrected - ever.

I did find a counselor that specializes in gifted kids with a six week wait and a 2 hour drive. Praying she has ideas, as she is well versed in ADHD in gifted kids.

Once again - thanks! I guess this is my group therapy smile