My pg ds8 had a misdiagnosis of ADHD - which is a long story in itself. A couple of weeks ago I took him to the pediatrician's office for his annual and was talking about his current treatment, misdiagnosis, previous misguided advice, etc.

The pediatrician and I both said that the first line of treatment should be diet and then neurofeedback or other alternative routes before meds. I know others may disagree here with me, but if I had followed the advice of the former pediatrician (who is a colleague of the present one and in the same practice!) I would have put my son on meds, possibly done more damage than good, and never got to the root of the problem to begin with. The current pediatrician agreed with me.

I'm not saying that meds are not sometimes necessary or warranted with an ADHD diagnosis. I'm just saying that I'd get a second or third opinion before pursuing meds and/or exploring alternative treatments first before the meds.
That's my 2 cents.

About a year and a half ago, I took my ds to a 2e expert on the ADHD diagnosis because I questioned it and the lower IQ scores with signs of him being pg. 2e expert asked if I had considered medication. I immediately asked her, "what about neurofeedback" - based on seeing it a discussion on it here on this board! Well, that was the end of our discussion on meds and then the start of our discussion of getting to the heart of the neurological/sensory/attentional issues with ds.