Here's an interesting article from a few days ago.

I do have to say that I can't imagine any kind of cognitive or behavioral therapy alone being effective with DD's ADHD. The meds cause an almost immediate and dramatic improvement. I took her off for a couple days over break and within hours she took a marker and drew all over the walls and furniture. I gave her a magic eraser to clean it all up which caused yet another mess (completely soaked flooring). She doesn't do that sort of thing on meds. We have never had the option (with our insurance) to try any kind of therapy without spending thousands of dollars but we have a new plan and will be looking at it to see what we have covered and if it helps. Our old insurance would cover meds but nothing else in relation to ADHD, not even a comprehensive evaluation. The OT apparently has some ideas on how to improve executive functioning and processing speed, but I also want to talk to a psychologist.