Originally Posted by ultramarina
Ah...so, is it the case that you didn't read a lot of fiction yourself as a child? Or perhaps, even now? Is what you need LOTS and LOTS of great recommendations for non-twaddle kids' books? because they most certainly are out there, in spades. We could recommend, or at best, you should cultivate a relationship with a great librarian.

Beginning readers are the worst. Some of the worst kids' books out there, really, so if that's what she thinks of, no wonder she thinks it's no good.

ding, ding, ding! yep - i'm super-fussy about fiction, even now.

DD has NO such excuse, though! she's got shelves and shelves of terrific picture books and all the Blytons, Clearys, Dahls, Snickets and Rowlings, etc. it would be sooooo easy to fall into the non-fiction trap with her, too - she would listen for hours on end to us reading books about medicine or space when she was a toddler, but i refuse to let that happen to her.

i'm really hoping this is just a phase where she wants to put as much distance between herself and "new reader" as she can. i'll be vigilant, though - you're right that if i don't want to resign myself to her skipping things, then i really shouldn't! (that is such great advice, seriously!)

Every Sunday it brooded and lay on the floor. Inconveniently close to the drawing-room door.