hee - ultramarina - i'm so nervous that we're already in the soup! i'm so bummed out that she might just skip over tons of great kids' literature - but i'm hoping that once we get over this hump she'll circle back around to all the great stuff she missed. (er, who am i kidding? she'll probably skip it all - just like she skipped crawling and a hundred other things. sigh)

chay - i, too, loved Gordon Korman (and here i thought i was the ONLY one!) - my mum saved a complete set of the Bruno & Boots for us, but they're languishing on the shelves right now. maybe i'll just read a chapter aloud to her and see if she bites... actually, maybe i'll do that with all the great stuff i don't want her to skip!

thanks again, everyone, for helping out on this, tallest of tall orders! smile

Every Sunday it brooded and lay on the floor. Inconveniently close to the drawing-room door.