I don't want you to be already thinking that it WON'T work, but-- something that you do need to be aware of is that 90% (or more-- maybe even a lot more) of "gifted" children are not like our kids on this board.

That means that no, "GT program" isn't the answer.

In fact, some gifted programs are worse (paradoxically) than no program at all. Such programs are usually best for compliant, evenly developing bright-and-moderately-gifted students who like to please teachers, and are working about a year ahead of their age-mates at most, and usually are very industrious little souls who are THRILLED to be churning out one perfect worksheet after another, or would like to tutor other children. Often the programs are about supplying MORE of the same work (sometimes even at the same level) that the standard curriculum offers.

Do have that in the back of your mind. frown Gifted program = caveat emptor. At least for HG+ children.

The problem arises when your child needs something BEYOND what the "GT package" comes with; many administrators just look at you when you mention that and then get annoyed that you are continuing to "bother" them when they have already made accommodations for your child.

"But your daughter is in the gifted program."

"Yes, but the work isn't sufficiently challenging/engaging/etc-- can't we do something??"

"Well, your child is in the gifted program already, though-- that IS what we do."

"aughhhhh... But what do you do when that isn't ENOUGH?"

"Well, but that is why we have a gifted program. Your child is IN the gifted program. Perhaps your child needs to try harder to explore the material?"



Again, keep an open mind and hope for the best-- but DO be alert for signs that this shift in placement hasn't had the desired effect of providing an appropriate educational placement for her.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.