Apparently bouts of anger and power struggles are part of ADHD. We have frequent struggles at home.

There is nothing more we can do about sleep. We have switched wake up to 7:00 am and bedtime to 7:30 PM. Sometimes including a 30 minute nap. He also isn't being prodded on weekends. To get to school on time he has 30 minutes to eat, brush his teeth and get dressed to be at school by 7:45. This wears on him as we have to constantly prod him to eat and stay on task with limited time. But if I get him up earlier he is even more tired and it tends to make him more hyper.

Today I visited his class for the Christmad party. He was doing whatever he wanted. Apparently with his new teacher he takes his liberties. And he railroads the other children. He is very dominant and bossy. After the party he broke down after I told him we had a party tonight and he had to take a nap. He was hungry and exhausted, luckily he had a good day - PE and two recesses!

Hopefully as he gets older this will improve.